Thursday, August 2, 2007

Erin Crocker's Legacy

I share a hometown and an alma mater with Erin Crocker, so I've been following her fledgling Nascar career with some interest. Being from the Northeast, there has been virtually zero coverage of her in the local press, which is amazing given the usual fanfare given to any dubious achievements of local people. The fact that she has maintained her anonymity is a testament to how little my media outlets care about Nascar.

When I read last year that Ray Evernham had signed her, and put her on a fast track to success, I was really excited. I watched all her early Busch races, cringing each week as she either was over matched, or roughed up by the Busch regulars. Shortly thereafter, she was demoted to the Truck series, and it was more of the same. She qualified pretty well, but it was obvious that she was out of her league, or maybe just pushed too far, too fast. She crashed often, and was rarely able to stay on the lead lap.

Still, it was nice to imagine that maybe she was a natural, and would soon be representing my small home town in the Daytona 500. In 2007, or 2008, or beyond.

Then came the pictures of her always at Ray Evernham's side. Sitting with him on pit road on Sundays. Then the rumors. Then the accusations of Jeremy Mayfield. At first, I was disgusted with the allegations. As if a woman could never be judged on her talent, there had to be some cheap innuendo about her being romantically involved with her older boss. But pretty quickly, it was obvious that the rumors were true.

She disappeared from the Nascar radar screen as quickly as she arrived. Let's face it, the standard press coverage of Nascar is about as controversial as Pravda. They toe the party line. Evernham's personal relationship with her was rarely mentioned, nor were the business implications.

I lost track of Crocker this year. I had to search to find that she was dropped down to Arca, and was trying to work her way back up that way.

This week, the mainstream media finally got wind of the juicy story of the Evernham-Crocker situation, and there have been a few articles about it. The whole situation has felt very uncomfortable, fraught with conflicts of interest, and poor judgment.

The final straw, in my estimation, came this week when Evernham publicly admitted that Crocker should drive for someone else, and he made the outrageous claim that Crocker was somehow a "good role model" for female drivers trying to make it in Nascar.

Nothing could be further from the truth, and I'm embarrassed for both Crocker and Evernham. Crocker has singlehandedly set back the cause of any woman who is trying to break into Nascar. Women were not taken seriously to begin with, and now it will be even worse. What will the Nascar community think about the next young talented female driver who signs a contract with a rich male owner?

What if Evernham identifies an amazing young talented driver next year, who happens to be attractive and female? Could he possibly sign her? Or would the implications be too great for him to handle?

Every female developmental driver will have to bear the stigma of proving that they got their chance with their driving skills, and not because they are involved personally with their male boss. Crocker-Evernham's situation has played into every hackneyed old stereotype under the sun.

Evernham and Crocker are entitled to their personal relationship, that is no one's business but theirs. At the same time, it has no place being maintained between a boss-employee in a high profile business like Nascar. Crocker should have immediately resigned, and driven for someone else, anyone else, while she was involved with Evernham.

Maybe someone else will sign Crocker. Maybe she will pan out as a good driver someday. But she will have a very long way to go to undo the damage that she has done to the future of female Nascar drivers. At this point, no up and coming female racer would want to be tagged with being "the next Erin Crocker", and that's a shame.


Anonymous said...

Your words and your insight ring so true and unfortunately, in this instance, the truth hurts the entire sport.
How sad the Crocker and Evernham were so selfish, thinking they could have their "cake" and eat it too. The ramifications of such shortsightedness will be long-lasting.
Evernham is "toast", no matter how much money he reaps from his new partnership agreement. He has lost the respect of the NASCAR Community and his credibility is irreparably damaged.
This fan of the sport is deeply saddened that the Drivers of the Evernham Team cars, the crews, the employees and anyone else associated with the slovenly, deviant, morally deficient excuse for a former spouse and father have had to suffer the results of Evernham's ineptness. Yet he continues to walk the hallowed grounds of NASCAR venues as if he is worthy of doing so. He is NOT and should be banished.
Cheating in NASCAR?
What Evernham has done and how he has lived and lied is far worse than any mechanical or technical transgressions.
Unfortunately, there are no penalties for being moral crook.

What goes around is supposed to "come around". It would seem that only everything Evernham has touched has suffered so far.

Anonymous said...

I just can't believe this!!! We are racing fans from the midwest and have been following Erin's career since she was the '1st Lady of the Outlaws'. We wondered why her driving was not up to par, well now we all know the truth. The truth that Jeremy Mayfield was fired for, we just knew something wasn't right about all this. I had a tremendous amount of respect for Ray before all of this, now I think I have none. If he wanted to develop a personal relationship with her, he should have nullified her business contract with him first. Now I wonder what kind of a chance she'll have to drive in one of our premier forms of motorsports.

Anonymous said...

As a Jeremy Mayfield fan, I thank you for the truthfullness of your article!! Jeremy was unfairly released from EMS and I'm finally glad the truth is coming out and its being known that Jeremy wasn't lying about Ray and Erin and that their relationship was a strain on Ray's time and in return, performance of EMS!!

Anonymous said...

One thing you failed to mention in your article was that Evernham was a married man at the time the "personal relationship" began. It is always said that what comes around, goes around, heres hoping that Erin moves on, not only in her driving career, but in her personal relationship as well and proves to all that she is a racer first and foremost.

Anonymous said...

Your analysis of the Crocker/Evernham relationship and its future ramifications on the sport, and women in it, is spot on. Thank you for saying what it seems many won't. It angers me that the NASCAR beat media protect the personal side of the racers -- somehow the fans are supposed to believe that all of these people are "good guys," and that's just not the case and it just fuels some of the dissenter's opinions that NASCAR is becoming professional wrestling. As a former female athlete, and mother of two young daughters, my first thought upon hearing of Evernaham & Crocker's relationship was that she (Crocker) just set back the female racers by another 10 years. Not only did she have a relationship with her boss, but with her MARRIED boss. I hate it for all of the young girls who want the opportunities that she had, and who will now have to work even harder to achieve it.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't Junior Johnson banging a girl who was still in high school when he was about 60 and finally did marry her? Get out the ring Ray, or you still hoping for Teresa Earnhardt?

Anonymous said...

Yep it is said Ray was watching the movie Booty Call one night and tried to phone Teresa, who didn't answer. His next call was to Erin, who did!

Anonymous said...

So many of your commenters have said what I have thought. Its such a bad situation for all the girls/women trying to move up in racing by hard work and effort that doesn't involve sexually servicing the married team owner.

Anonymous said...

I agree with pretty much everything I've read here. I have always felt Erin has a lot of talent, but she really was out of her element in NASCAR. Most everyone knows what a disaster having a relationship at work can be, especially if one is the boss. I am certain the Evernham relationship had a lot to do with Erin losing her sponsorship for this year.

Anonymous said...

I want to say THANK YOU for the truthful article, about Erin and RAYMOND.
It's about time that people know the truth. It probably would of been known sooner, even last year, but people would of gotten sued if they told about it.

What I would like, is for Jeremy Mayfield, who has suffered the most from this. Like people saying he ratted on his boss, the stuff he had to drive last year, along with a crew chief who wouldn't set Jeremy's car the way he wanted, after all his good cars were given along with his crew chief, to the youngester, who couldn't even mention a Thank You to JEREMY at his Rookie banguet.RAYMOND telling JEREMY he could look for another ride months before all this came out.
The loss of a friend, who Jeremy thought RAYMOND was, that kind of action would hurt anybody, who trusted his friend, and counted on him to be there for the race teams.
I just wish some good owner would think of JEREMY for his team next year, insted of the situation that has happened this year,because of a liar's lies,JEREMY should not have to pay for RAYMOND's sins.
It's about time people knew the truth about last year. The wrong person was blamed.
Hopefully some owner will save him from heck JEREMY's in now.All JEREMY ever wanted to do is race.

Let the other two live with their doings....

Anonymous said...

It's just amazing to me that the media wouldn't talk about all this sooner. Everyone in the garage knew about Ray and Erins relationship well before Mayfield was let go...

I wonder if she still calls him Uncle Ray? {{{shudder}}}

Anonymous said...

What happen to the class guy that guided Jeff Gordon to his championship seasons? I have lost all respect for Ray now. He seem to forget that his wife was at home letting him live a dream and was taking care of their son, who happen to be fighting leukemia, while Ray was out doing what?? Was he fooling around then also? I personally think she should be banned fron the sport and I really wouldn't miss Ray either. Never thought I would ever say that!!